Removing Duplicates
Whether it's from a corrupted sync or an accidental copy, duplicate events happen all the time. Using the search & filter features you can quickly nail down events by time, title, location, & more to select them for cleanup (with even more automated finding of duplicate events coming in the future)
Managing work & class schedules
When you've got a lot of different shifts/classes to manage, it's a pain to edit every one. What if you decide to swap to the Tuesday class? What if you are working remotely and you change timezones? What if you want to add an extra hour to all of Paul's shifts? Bulk Edit Calendar Events helps you quickly manage all these scenarios and more with a couple clicks

Keeping track of projects & tasks
Maybe you're one of those people who keeps their todos & tasks in their calendar. Anything uncompleted, you might want to move to the next day (or even the next week). Not only is this simple and easy in Bulk Edit Calendar Events, but coming soon you can even automate the process by scheduling edits to happen automatically
Creating a schedule
If you just started a new semester at school, you can know what a pain it can be to log all those events on your calendar. You could make them recurring events, but then one edit could affect them all. The Creator tool makes this easy with sentence phrasing (eg "every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am") and the Model Week creator lets you plan one week and copy it to a bunch of others.